Sleeping beauty in Germany
Posted 31.10.2007
Added 31.10.2007
Bohemia Ballet - Company of Dance Conservatory of Prahy was invited to guest in the Opera House in Nuremberg. 3th. and 4th of November 2007 Bohemia ballet will do Sleeping beauty presented in collaboration with the National Theatre in Prague. Starring beauty introduces Magdalena Matejkova of 8th. school year and Yevgeniy Plešková of 7th. school year, in the role of Prince Adam Zvonar and Michal Krcmar of 7th. school year., in the role of Lilac Fairy students. Hana Cakarmisova and Eva Zápotocká. Also in all other solo roles and challenging choral scenes introduce students Dance Conservatory of Prague.
Date of added: 31.10.2007
(Bohemia Ballet in Nurnberg/Germany - Sleeping beauty)
(Free translation from the Czech language)